Profile CUDA UVM Performance

5 minute read

This post is to log my profile of CUDA unified virtual memory.

Summary of Issues

  1. Extremely slow on manually swap when run export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=X at the beginning. Performance drop after specifying CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 - CUDA Programming and Performance - NVIDIA Developer Forums, solved by pinned core or pinned memory

  2. Compile with -O3 will also effect the performance of baseline, and set visible devices won’t affect it much then.

Virtual Address Fragmentation


Running on A100 with 80GB memory, CUDA 12.2, driver 535.161.07.

Assume k requests coming in, every request has a individual virtual memory space for KV cache hidden_size x max_embeddings.

Every cycle randomly selects a group of request and generate a number of new tokens to emulate generation progress. Then, randomly select a group of request to free and add new to simulate query out and in.

Compare the theoretical space (sum of KV cache size) and allocated space (GPU memory utilization).


Oversubscription Performance


Running on A100 with 80GB memory, CUDA 12.2, driver 535.161.07.

Split GPU memory into k blocks and allocate m chunks of data. Chunk size is equation to one partition, and m > k.

For example, if we launch with (k, m) = (4, 8), each chunk takes about 20GB memory and we need to traverse through 8 chunks in total.

The test includes three phases,

  1. Prefill: The first k blocks will fills up the GPU memory, which only needs HtoD memory copy without evicting blocks.

  2. First cycle: For the next m-k chunks, the system also need to evict one of the resident chunk to host by DtoH copy, then copy the new chunk to the empty block.

  3. Second cycle: Now all the blocks are filled with kchunks, we will issue the second cycle that iteratively load m chunks. Every iteration includes sequential DtoH and HtoD copy.


Baseline: Manually swapping

wierd output when export visible device

m k prefill [s] 1st cycle[s] 2nd cycle total [s]
8 4 19.20 36.81 27.42 64.23
12 4 19.32 57.96 40.92 98.89
80 40 19.31 43.33 35.63 78.97
120 40 19.58 59.41 41.02 100.42
2048 1024 19.64 37.05 27.90 64.95
3072 1024 19.82 59.08 41.42 100.50

Manually swapping with pinned host

wierd output when export visible device

m k prefill [s] 1st cycle[s] 2nd cycle total [s]
8 4 3.86306 11.5981    
12 4        
80 40        
120 40        
2048 1024        
3072 1024        

Using UVM


m k prefill [s] 1st cycle[s] 2nd cycle total [s]
8 4 21.06 42.64 44.43 87.07
12 4 21.26 67.43 66.86 134.28
80 40 17.13 36.26 37.98 74.24
120 40 16.97 54.70 56.91 111.62
2048 1024 20.59 43.44 47.37 90.81
3072 1024 20.77 66.66 70.62 137.28


m k prefill [s] 1st cycle[s] 2nd cycle total [s]
8 4 3.48 10.31 18.01 28.32
12 4 3.48 17.15 26.03 43.17
80 40 3.54 10.80 18.16 28.96
120 40 3.54 18.07 26.28 44.35
2048 1024 3.57 11.14 18.72 29.86
3072 1024 3.57 18.74 27.09 45.83

Advise [TODO]

